Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sudoku Mobile

BlackBerry OTA Review
So, pencil and paper it ain't, but it is a pretty good alternative. This is one of those examples where it would probably have better gameplay on a cell phone or Treo, since the scrollwheel makes things a tad more difficult. Up, down, left and, uh, oh, right are made slightly more difficult since the wheel can, at last count, only scroll two ways.

To get around this, you simply press the ALT key as you scroll to change direction. Pretty easy.

Now, it is only fair to warn you, I am not a huge Sudoku fan to begin with. I base my trends on planes (the ones in the air, not the ones that make really smooth wood.) First, "The Di Vinci Code" was required reading, then white iPod headphones as you got on a plane, then it was the sudoku books. That's when I figured I better get to know sudoku.

So, we are back at Cellufun's Sodoku, which is just like the original version, sans the many painful pencil injuries. ("Ow, my eye. The doctor said I'm not supposed to get pencils in it!")

One of the nice things is that you can download an infinite stream of new puzzles, which is frankly a feature I will never use, since I have never actually finished one, so to speak. (I do fill in numbers to make people I sit next to on the plane think I'm smart.)

One little note...on my 8700c, there was just a "C:/" icon, rather than the actual Sudoku icon. This seems to be a bug with my BlackBerry, as it has worked on other devices I have tried.

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